Sunday, April 8, 2018

My philosophy of teaching

Teaching is one of the most noble jobs in the world, we are blessed with the chance of influencing young children every day. Being a successful teacher does not come easy, we must be role models for our students to follow, believe in their ever growing intelligence and abilities, and encourage them to be the best they can. Every students has the right to learn and express themselves, it is our job as teachers to promote an environment that stimulates our students to grow socially, emotionally, physically and mentally. I believe that students learn best when they have access to hands-on activities and have a teacher that encourages experimenting and trying new things. We are under pressure to create individuals who have the confidence, perseverance, discipline, and intelligence to become effective contributors to the society, I hope to bring the best in my students to become such individuals. Learning is not only limited for students, as teachers we should keep an eye out for learning form our students, environment, and family, while keeping our own knowledge and teaching methods up to date. This is my philosophy of education, and I know it will constantly change, but that only means that I am growing. 

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