Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Teaching Students About Climate Change

Our planet faces the threat of climate change everyday. The temperature is on the rise and unless we do something about we might melt before we know it.So what can we do as teachers to help in decreasing this change? We can raise awareness among our young students. We must teach our students how important earth is to us, what is offers, how it protects, its specialties, and show them how to love it. Show them videos of the ice melting in the north pole, the rise of the water level, and the way penguins and polar bears are losing their habitat. Show them the amount of plastic in the sea, the fish, whales, and sea turtles that die from consuming it. Talk to them about extinct organisms, whether plants or animals that were once present in the ares where they are living that are not there anymore. Present statistics to them of the amount of carbon emissions by cars, factories, and wars. Involve them in recycling activities, planting trees, or even picking garbage of the roads. Explain to them how scientist are spending days and nights trying to figure ways to decrease this change, and what they can do to decrease it as well. Do not forget to show them stories of people who succeeded in finding methods to decrease climate change or preserve a specie on the verge of extinction. Doing so will give them hope to believe that it is still possible to save the planet. 


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